Saturday 2 January 2016

How to achieve healthy,long hair!

Hello readers!

 I hope everyone had a wonderful new year's celebration, welcome to 2016! In today's blog post I have decided to share my tips and tricks to achieve healthy long hair. Since I have been using these tips and tricks my hair has grown twice as quickly as it usually does whilst looking healthy and split-end free.

My first tip is don't use heat It can be hard but I very rarely use heat on my hair, maybe 4 times a year. This helps prevent damage to your hair and less split ends which results in your hair growing faster. I wash my hair in the evening then I tie it into a low ponytail so it is out of my face. When I wake up in the morning it is dry and ready to style, no heat needed.

My second tip is don't wash your hair everyday! Washing your hair everyday can strip your hair of its natural oils, making your hair unhealthy and less likely to grow quickly. I wash my hair every 3-4 days and I don't need to use dry shampoo at all. Break your hair washing cycle gradually, after switching to washing your hair every other day wait for a couple of weeks until your hair oils balance out then go for longer if you wish depending on your hair type. If your hair is really greasy when first breaking your hair washing cycle you could always use some dry shampoo or talcum  powder  as these absorb the excess oil from your hair whilst adding volume.

When I wash my hair I use TREsemme's salon silk shampoo as it contains Argan oil. Argan oil is great for your hair as it is a natural hair conditioner. It can treat split ends and tame frizzy hair. Then I also use Serum that contains Argan Oil for the same reasons. You can also use Argan oil for styling to tame frizz instead of using straighteners because heat is bad!

Enjoy the healthy, long hair!


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